Suredis VT1 200L - Højaktivt desinfektionsmiddel til OPC-rengøring, lav miljøpåvirkning

Varenr. 100960007
Baseret på en blanding af overfladeaktive biocider, alkali og komplexbindere. Den unikke opbygning giver en effektiv desinfektion mod de fleste vegetative mikroorganismer herunder gram-positive og gram-negative bakterier og gær. Desuden er indholdsstofferne specielt udvalgt for at reducere den
Kontakt Diversey for yderligere information
Baseret på en blanding af overfladeaktive biocider, alkali og komplexbindere. Den unikke opbygning giver en effektiv desinfektion mod de fleste vegetative mikroorganismer herunder gram-positive og gram-negative bakterier og gær. Desuden er indholdsstofferne specielt udvalgt for at reducere den miljømæssige belastning af systemer til spildevandsbehandling gennem et lavt kemisk iltforbrug (COD). Anvendes til desinfektion af gulve, vægge, redskaber og andet udstyr til levnedsmiddelforædling. Produktet er velegnet til brug i kød- og fjerkræ-forarbejdende virksomheder, mejerier, bryggerier og anden levnedsmiddelindustri. Det er velegnet til manuel udlægning, iblødsætning eller spray-desinfektion samt til tågedesinfektion. Også velegnet til storkøkkener.

Divosan Suredis is based on a blend of surface-active biocide, surfactant, alkaline builders and sequestering agents. This unique formulation provides excellent disinfectant activity against most vegetative forms of micro-organisms including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and yeasts. Additionally, it uses ingredients specifically selected to reduce environmental impact on water treatment systems and has a lower Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) than most other disinfectants in its class.
• Divosan Suredis is recommended for application in all open plant cleaning processes. It should be applied after surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. It can be used for disinfecting floors, walls, utensils and other food preparation equipment and is suitable for use in meat and poultry processors, snack foods, dairies, beverage plants and most other types of food processing operations.
• Divosan Suredis is ideal for application in high-care areas.
• Divosan Suredis is suitable for manual, soak or spray application and for fogging use.

• Highly effective terminal disinfectant for food industry use. • Reduced environmental impact especially for treatment of waste-water. • Non-corrosive. • Free-rinsing. • Non-tainting, use on food contact surfaces. • Effective in soft or hard water.

Use Divosan Suredis at concentration of 3% v/v. Always rinse thoroughly after use.
General specifications
Logistical specifications
Chemical specifications