TASKI Tapi Extract C1b 2x5L - Tæpperens til sprayekstraktion

Varenr. 101100322
Tæpperens til dybderengøring af tæpper og polstrede møbler med sprayekstraktionsmetoden. Speciel kombination af befugtende og emulgerende aktive ingredienser pH neutral, godkendt af Woolsafe Institute Fjerner effektivt allergener fra husstøvmider Unik, patenteret lugtneutraliserende teknologi
Kontakt Diversey for yderligere information
Tæpperens til dybderengøring af tæpper og polstrede møbler med sprayekstraktionsmetoden.

  • Speciel kombination af befugtende og emulgerende aktive ingredienser
  • pH neutral, godkendt af Woolsafe Institute
  • Fjerner effektivt allergener fra husstøvmider
  • Unik, patenteret lugtneutraliserende teknologi (O.N.T.)

  • Fremragende rengørende effekt
  • Sikker at bruge på alle typer tæpper herunder uldtæpper
  • Dårlige lugte neutraliseres, så parfumeeffekten forstærkes
  • Reduktionen af allergener er testet af uafhængige laboratorier

Spray cleaning:
  1. Vacuum carpet and remove spots.
  2. Dose the product into a spray device filled with water, spray the solution onto the carpet treating maximum 40-50m² at a time.
  3. Allow the product to act for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Do not allow to dry.
  5. Spray extract the carpet with clean water using an appropriate machine.
  6. Use TASKI Tapi Defoam (defoamer) if necessary.
  7. Lift the carpet piles with a carpet brush while still damp to accelerate drying.
Spot/stain rinse method:
  1. Vacuum carpet.
  2. Pre wet the area surrounding the spot/stain with fresh water.
  3. Apply the product onto the water soluble spot/stain.
  4. Allow the product to act for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Rinse with fresh water and immediately wet vacuum.
Direct cleaning:
  1. Rinse with fresh water and immediately wet vacuum.
  2. Dose product into water tank of the machine and spray extract the carpet.
  3. Lift the carpet piles with a carpet brush while still damp.
General specifications
Logistical specifications
Chemical specifications
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